Garden Check Up

The garden is doing well. I have some white spots on some of my cucumbers and pumpkins but the majority still look ok. I will have to look up what it is but I'm wondering if it's powdery mildew.

I have trained my acorn squash up my tomato trellis. I didn't get a trellis put up this year for my viney plants but next year at a minimum I'd like to put one up for the cucumbers. We will see how this squash does and decide later if I should include it as well. I would need to buy a few more t-posts but we have some old calf fencing panels laying around that would be perfect.

My tomato jungle is still growing like crazy, I'm going to have to tie it up again soon. Some of the plants are taller than me!

The second planting of beans is producing now and the yellow ones are starting to ripen. I foresee lots of picking this weekend.

My regular cucumbers have managed to survive the invasion of the pumpkin plants and I will soon have some big enough to eat!

There are some pumpkins forming so hopefully this means that I won't have to buy jack-o-lantern pumpkins this year.

I'm hoping some are my pie pumpkins! But they've grown everywhere so I can't tell what's what! Note to self, don't plant so many pumpkins next year!


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