Fathers Day Harvest

This past weekend was Father's Day, and I hope everyone had a good one! Since we have 3 little farmers in training around here I decided to make the Farmer a nice dinner. So I went out and harvested what I could from the garden. I managed to get some lettuce and radishes planted in April despite the wet spring so those were ready. There was also some spinach I could grab, though those plants are sparse. I while I was out there I wandered my way over to the chicken coop to collect eggs too.

This made a delicious salad. I also added some Ontario grown cucumber and bell pepper to the salad along with some cherry tomatoes. Since those things are out of season they are of course greenhouse grown. But I was aiming for as locally grown as possible for this meal. This went nicely with the steak from one of the steers we raised and I made a nice mushroom cream sauce to go with it. I steamed the last bag of green and yellow beans I had in the freezer from the garden last year.

We had a wonderful Father's Day meal! The vast majority of which was grown right here on our farm.


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