Peas are sprouting

So, often I will try to get the guys to plant me some peas along the edge of the oats or mixed grain fields but since this spring was so wet they decided to plant something else as they couldn't get out on the land early enough. So this year I had to improvise. My Farmer was nice enough to help me prepare a plot behind the driving shed just for peas since they take up quite a bit of room and my garden was already all planted. After the wet spring we had a bit of dry spell so the peas took a bit to sprout. This is what it looked like a bit after I planted it.

I really should get out there and weed-eat those burdock plants before they become an issue! Oh well, that's this years pea patch.

A walk around there on the weekend showed that the peas have liked the recent rains and are coming along.

Sadly the weeds also rather enjoyed the rain so I need to get back there with my hoe!


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