Sunday Garden Check Up

I didn't managed to get much weeding done today, but I still took a wander around to see how everything is doing. Early in the season something, I think a groundhog decided my newly planted tomato plants would be a delicious treat. Some came back and some I re-planted but now I'm worried I will go out there one day and everything will be chewed off!

I had some beans that didn't come up so I re-planted those. They are coming up nicely now

The first beans I planted that came up are about to bloom, I can't wait for some garden fresh green and yellow beans

My tomato plants are still fairly small but soon I will need to start thinking about tying them up. I also put a couple picking cucumber plants in some space between them. I'm not sure great this is for companion planting but we will see how it goes. My thought behind this was the strings tied across for the tomato plants would make a great trellis to keep the cucumbers off the ground.

I had some potatoes that had started growing so I decided to plant them as I still had a little bit of the amazing composted silage piled there so I figured I may as well get some potatoes from them rather than toss them. They are doing well

My April planting of lettuce and radishes will soon be getting ready to go to flower, but my second planting will soon be ready. It's just regular leaf lettuce though I did plant some romaine too. The fist radishes were the standard red ones that are white inside but the second is a new variety too me. I can't remember the name but the radishes are supposed to be all white.

The dill is coming along, I love dill flavour!

It looks like one of my little farmers in training was out investigating the garden too today!


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