Garden Check Up

The garden is coming along nicely! The plants are starting to get some veggies started. Even though most of the vegetables won't be ready for a while yet it is nice to see progress!

More of the tomato plants are getting little tomatoes.

The pickling cucumbers are getting some cucumbers almost big enough to pick. However the plants haven't taken off like I had hoped. They were seedlings I purchased late in the season so maybe I just planted them too late. Next year I think I will try buying seeds. I've always planted regular cucumbers from seed sown directly into the garden. I had a gap in my tomato row so I planted them in there so I could train them up the tomato trellis. Only one of the two plants is big enough for this so far.

My dill is ready to harvest but it's too early in the season for pickles. I think I will let them go to seed as I have pickle recipe that calls for dill seed and I will save some for next year. Though from past experience it has no problem volunteering. I may use some of the leaves in a pasta dish.

My radishes are going to flower. I think I will save seeds from them as well. I haven't saved radish seeds before but I had lots of volunteers from last year so I think it should work out well.

I recently planted a row of random seeds. I had a bunch of seeds fall out of their packets into the bottom of my bin so I decided to try and use some up. There's lots of radishes, some beans, I think morning glory and there were spinach seeds as well but I can't tell if they germinated.

I also found a seed packet of zinnias that my daughter had picked out and that I forgot about so I planted some of those as well.


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