Garden Check Up

It's been a hectic week this week so I haven't had the chance to post. I was out working in the garden this evening. To keep weeds down I run the rototiller between the rows every so often but I wasn't able to do that last weekend as end of last week we got about 4 inches of rain! It's supposed to rain Saturday and Sunday as well so I figured I had better get out there today. The rainy weather and the heat has not only made the vegetable plants grow like crazy, but the weeds as well!

My garden is very lush at the moment. My tomato plants have really jumped up. If I can find a break in the rain this weekend I will need to go tie them up again. And the pumpkin plants are taking over the other end of the garden.

The pumpkin plants are getting flowers so hopefully we will get some pumpkins this fall.

My pickling cucumbers have been getting a couple ready to pick here and there but I think next year I will plant around 10 plants so I can have enough ready at the same time to make pickles. They are good to eat raw too so that's what we have been doing.

My jalapeno pepper plants are getting little baby peppers on them. The plants didn't get very big but hopefully I can get enough to make some jalapeno poppers for the freezer

Fingers crossed we don't get too much rain this weekend. It would be nice to save it for August when things tend to get really hot and dry.


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