Monday Garden Check Up

Things are growing away out in the garden. I haven't planted as many beets as usual so I think I will try planting a few more. I've found they grow well for me no matter when I plant them. I'm also going to plant some peas. The first planting is doing well but I think it would be nice to get a second harvest. I would love to get enough for the winter for the freezer. I know they prefer being planted in the cooler weather but it doesn't hurt to try. The worst that will happen is I'm out a few seeds of which I bought way too may, 2 pounds worth! 

My romaine lettuce is really taking off. I can likely soon harvest a few small ones to make room for the others to mature.

My beans are starting to flower! I planted green yellow and purple, but the yellow and purple didn't germinate well. I think it may be the brand, I've had trouble with that brand before. I did replant with more green beans.

The pale pink flowers are the green beans. I think the purple flowers might be the purple beans but since I didn't label the rows for the variety I'll have to wait and see to be sure.

The one tomato plant that didn't get chewed off by some animal (a ground hog is my number one suspect) is getting tomatoes. I'm very excited for fresh tomatoes. I've had the talk with my little farmers in training about not picking the green tomatoes. They can get a little over-enthusiastic helping harvest in the garden.

The other tomatoes plants that either recovered or that I replanted are all doing well and are flowering. I need to get out there and tie the rest up before they start falling over. I think that will be a job for today.

Sadly my white radishes are all leaf and didn't form any radishes. 

When I showed the Farmer he reminded me that we had tried these a few years ago and the same thing happened. I wonder what the cause is, the standard ones I plant with red skin and white flesh grow like crazy and do amazing. I even had some volunteers this year and they did great as well!


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