Neglected Peas

As they say, out of sight out of mind! I never did go and weed my pea patch which is back behind the driving shed. It's easy to ignore when you don't ever go back there. My poor peas were getting over run!

I asked the Farmer to bring the rototiller back for me as it's somewhat difficult getting back there, you either have to go through tall grass or the hay field. So he got that back there for me so I could till between the rows. These are double rows of peas so after tilling I took the hoe to between the double rows and hand picked any weeds mixed in with the peas. I didn't quite get finished but I got the worst of it.

The peas should soon be big enough that they will block out the weeds in the rows and I'm hoping the double rows will hold each other up since I didn't put in a trellis . They are looking pretty good, I'm hoping for lots of peas! Peas fresh  from the garden taste so good and hopefully there will be some for the freezer as well.


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