Canning Season

I have been quiet here lately as I have been very busy canning and freezing all the veggies from my garden and other local produce that I don't yet grow.

My tomatoes are slowly starting to ripen, so I finally had enough to can a couple jars of diced tomatoes. Sadly one of the jars was my first casualty of the year and broke in the water bath. There's a lot more out there though so hopefully there will be more to come!

I bought some pickling cucumbers to make regular dill pickles since my measly two plants are not giving me many. The dill is mine though. I made my own pickling spice for this so hopefully they taste good!

Peaches are now ready as well so I went to the orchard and bought a bushel of seconds to can. I already canned half a bushel and will be doing one more bushel since the kids love them.

I've also been working away at getting my beans blanched and in the freezer.


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