Garden Check Up

The garden seems to enjoy the wet spring and summer we have had so far! Everything is doing well and I haven't had to drag the hose over to water at all so far this year

My tomato plant jungle need to be tied to the posts again as they were starting to grow everywhere! I also trimmed of some of the bottom leaves and some of the suckers. Lots of little tomatoes are coming! Everyone is eagerly anticipating the first ripe tomatoes of the year

My pickling cucumbers are slowly climbing their way up the tomato trellis. This is something I will definitely direct seed next year. I bought two already started at the garden centre and they just don't seem to do as well as everything I direct seeded.

I have one last broccoli still growing, we only planted 4 as they take up so much space.

My poor, very late planted cantaloupe plants are getting drown out by the massive pumpkin plants. It's looking like we may not get any melons. Next year I'm hoping to start my own melon plants early indoors since my direct seeded watermelon didn't come up.


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