Garden Harvest

There was another basket worth of beans ready on the weekend!

They were very tasty! I also made my first ever batch of dilly beans with these beans and some of my dill. You are supposed to wait at least 4 weeks before opening them so hopefully they turned out!

The peas are coming along. There were a few ready, but they didn't even make it into the house. Peas fresh from the garden are so good! Two of my little farmers in training helped pick them and then helped eat them!

The chickens out did themselves as well! Such pretty eggs!

Not exactly garden related, more foraging. I harvest a bunch of plantain to dry and make a salve with. It is all washed up, once it dries I will put it in an empty mesh onion bag I have laying around and hang it to dry.

Our lettuce is still doing great as well, but I'm getting sick of salads so I haven't been harvesting much of that lately.


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